Unstuck teaches families simple strategies that build executive functioning and help children and teens regulate their feelings and behavior. It supports a calmer and more flexible household. By learning some simple vocabulary, families share an approach that gives families that are feeling stuck more choices. By using and modeling the basic words such as Flexible/Stuck, Goal/Why, Plan B and Compromise, families can learn to work together to prevent meltdowns and have more fun.
Executive functioning is a set of brain-based abilities that help us set goals, make plans, manage disappointment, and stay flexible in the face of unexpected events. Executive functioning enables us to stick with challenges without getting overwhelmed. They drive social skills, predict success at school and long term happiness, employment, and health.
A short parent handbook to support implementing Unstuck at home.
Asynchronous online training for parents to develop individualized, practical strategies to support Unstuck at home.
This series of videos is designed to give practical parenting advice that they can immediately use to support their neurodivergent child’s executive functions.
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