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  • Recursos en Español | Unstuck and On Target

    Videos y Recursos en Español Básicos del Funcionamiento Ejecutivo Si su hijo(a) tiene problemas con el funcionamiento ejecutivo, tales como atascarse o sentirse sobrecargado o dificultades en seguir instrucciones, estos videos ofrecen estrategias que son fácil de usar inmediatamente. Estos videos y animaciones, que son cortos y divertidos, presentan situaciones de la vida real, consejos prácticos de expertos, y padres compartiedo su sabiduría y experiencia, todos hecho en una forma fácil de entender. (Haga clic en cada imagen para ser llevado a ese video). Videos Para Padres Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing 03:05 Play Video Entender Funcionamiento Ejecutivo Now Playing 03:00 Play Video Manejar los Sentimientos Intensos Las hojas de consejos Estas hojas de consejos se crearon para acompañar los videos de funciones ejecutivas. Están diseñados para cualquier persona que quiera comprender y apoyar a un niño con problemas del funcionamiento ejecutivo. ​ Muchos niños tienen problemas con el funcionamiento ejecutivo. Los adultos cariñosos y afectuosos son clave para apoyar a los niños como desarrollan sus habilidades de función ejecutiva. Los consejos que se ofrecen en estas hojas pueden mejorar su vida y la de su hijo. Haga clic aquí para descargar las hojas de consejos ​ Descripciones de Videos Entender Funcionamiento Ejecutivo​ ​ Este animación explica a padres que es el funcionamiento ejecutivo y como parecen problemas del funcionamiento ejecutivo. Presenta estrategias faciles que padres pueden usar para ayudar sus hijos. ¿Es un "no poder" o un "no querer"? ​ En esta entrevisa, Claudia (madre) habla de como a veces parece que un niño no quiere hacer algo, pero en realidad no lo puede hacer. Explica como padres pueden abordar conflictos y ayudar a sus hijos a tener éxito. Anticipar lo Inesperado y Lidiar con la Decepción ​ Este animación demuestra como padres pueden ayudar sus hijos a lidiar con la decepción cuando las cosas no salen como anticipado, usando la estrategia de “anticipar lo inesperado.” Prevenir la Sobrecarga ​ Este animación ofrece consejos que padres pueden usar para prevenir su hijo de sobrecargarse – por ejemplo, identificar desencadenantes y prepararse por adelantado. ¿Que hacemos cuando lo que queremos parece ser imposible? ​ A veces lo que queremos no es possible. Este video presenta una experta quien explica que se puede hacer en estas situaciones con su hijo (a). Manejar los Sentimientos Intensos ​ En esta animación, cubrimos cómo identificar la intensidad de los sentimientos, así como las diferentes estrategias disponibles para manejar esos sentimientos y hacer que su hijo vuelva a sentirse "en el objetivo". Solución de problemas: Necesito más ayuda ​ ¿Terminaste nuestra serie de apoyo al funcionamiento ejecutivo, pero aún tienes preguntas? ¡Entonces nuestros vídeos de solución de problemas están aquí para ayudarle! Estos videos están aquí para responder sus preguntas y ofrecer más ayuda más allá de nuestros otros videos. En este video, un experto explica qué hacer si las estrategias que presentamos en nuestros videos no funcionan o dejaron de funcionar; o qué hacer si ya ha oído hablar de estas estrategias y las ha probado, pero necesita algo más. Solución de problemas: ¿Y ahora qué? ​ ¿Terminaste nuestra serie de apoyo al funcionamiento ejecutivo, pero aún tienes preguntas? ¡Entonces nuestros vídeos de solución de problemas están aquí para ayudarle! Estos videos están aquí para responder sus preguntas y ofrecer más ayuda más allá de nuestros otros videos. En este vídeo, un experto responde algunas inquietudes y preguntas frecuentes, como qué hacer si tiene dificultades para utilizar las estrategias del funcionamiento ejecutivo. Solución de problemas: ¿No es solo mala conducta? ​ ¿Terminaste nuestra serie de apoyo al funcionamiento ejecutivo, pero aún tienes preguntas? ¡Entonces nuestros vídeos de solución de problemas están aquí para ayudarle! Estos videos están aquí para responder sus preguntas y ofrecer más ayuda más allá de nuestros otros videos. En este vídeo, un experto aborda las diferencias entre desafíos con habilidades EF y mal comportamiento, cómo saber cuándo es uno u otro, y qué hacer cuando se trata de un desafío EF. Motivación: Cómo todos en su familia pueden obtener más de lo que quieren ​ En este vídeo, un experto explica cómo tanto los niños como los padres pueden obtener más de lo que quieren a través de estrategias motivadoras. Trabajar Hacia Metas ​ Crear y trabajar para lograr objetivos es una habilidad fundamental para la vida. En este video, analizamos cómo ayudar a su hijo a establecer metas, comprender por qué esas metas son importantes y cómo crear un plan para lograrlas. Plan A/ Plan B & Problema Grande/ problema pequeño ​ Elaborar varios planes ayuda a que su hijo siga pensando con flexibilidad y llamar a los eventos un “gran problema” o un “pequeño problema” le ayuda a gestionar la decepción. Explicamos cómo utilizar eficazmente ambas estrategias en esta animación. Llegar a un Acuerdo para que Todos Ganen ​ Llegar a acuerdos ayuda a que todos consigan lo que quieren. Esta animación explica los diferentes tipos de compromiso y cómo se pueden utilizar para que tanto los padres como sus hijos puedan salir con algo positivo. Descomponerlo para Logarlo ​ Los niños con dificultades en las funciones ejecutivas pueden sentirse abrumados fácilmente. En este vídeo, un experto ofrece consejos sencillos para dividir las tareas en pasos para poder realizarlas. Habla Menos, Escríbelo ​ En este vídeo, un experto explica cómo tomarse el tiempo para escribir cosas puede ayudar a su hijo a procesar sus sentimientos cuando hablar con él empeora las cosas o parece no llevar a ninguna parte. Recursos Un Libro de Trabajo para padres ​ Haga clic aqui para Un Libro de Trabajo para padres (Parent Workbook in Spanish)

  • Flexibility Game | Unstuck and On Target

    Play a flexibility game online! ​ Students roll the dice and click on the i on the space to draw a card. If someone lands on the same space, move forward one. Play a Flexibility Game Online!

  • e-Unstuck | Unstuck and On Target

    e-Unstuck and On Target Program ​ The e-Unstuck and on Target Program is an interactive e-­learning course for parents to teach them to support executive functioning and behavior regulation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The dynamic e-learning platform systematically intermixes didactic instruction with hands-on interactive exercises. ​ This self paced interactive e-learning course will: Empower parents to use Unstuck strategies promoting generalization Provide parents with an individualized set of insights and recommendations for their child, including things to share with other caregivers, teachers, and community members e-Unstuck and On Target Program

  • Curriculum | Unstuck and On Target

    elementary UNSTUCK UNSTUCK AND ON TARGET For 3rd to 5th graders Teaching Tips Use Videos to engage students. See the Unstuck YouTube page where videos are sorted by vocabulary/script. Also read the introduction to the videos for a list of videos that can't be saved to playlist, but find the links there. Use yourself as a model, and try to laugh at yourself: adults needing Plan B's can be powerful role models. Easy to Use Curriculum The new second edition book includes links to downloadable posters, game boards, and student activities and worksheets. ​ Now appropriate for learners with ADHD and other conditions linked to executive function challenges, as well as autism. Tested with teachers and streamlined for user-friendliness. Enhanced parent materials, including materials in Spanish. Tested with a diverse sample of children and refined to increase student engagement. Learn more about Unstuck and On Target! Gameboards & Posters Interventionist Training Resources Learn how to teach Unstuck with fun, interactive modules that use real world examples and help you personalize Unstuck for you and your classroom! Bringing Unstuck Home: Solving Executive Function Challenges: Simple ways to get kids with autism unstuck and on target How can you help kids with autism be flexible, get organized, and work toward goals—not just in school but in everyday life? It’s all about executive function, and this quick problem-solving guide helps you explicitly teach these critical skills to high-functioning children with autism (Grades K-8). Used on its own or in tandem with the popular Unstuck and On Target! classroom curriculum, this practical guide shows how to embed executive function instruction in dozens of everyday scenarios, from morning routines to getting homework done. Designed for therapists, teachers, and parents, these highly effective techniques give children the skills they need to navigate each day, reach their goals, and succeed inside and outside the classroom. Solving Challenges Help Parents: Understand executive function—why it’s important and why it’s challenging for children with autism Teach three skills critical to success: flexibility, goal setting, and organization Use consistent scripts and keywords to help children process your message Model desired behaviors —and fade your guidance as children generalize skills Provide simple, effective visual cues that keep kids unstuck and on target Keep it fun and positive, with tips on creative, playful ways to teach executive function skills PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Dozens of specific, easy-to-do examples; “Goal, Plan, Do, Check” scripts and worksheets that break down tasks into small, achievable chunks; keywords and phrases that help kids stay on target; reproducible visual aids; sample IEP goals. Help children with autism: Compromise with family and friends Turn “big deals” into “little deals” Move on to Plan B when Plan A doesn’t work Make plans and carry them out Solve problems independently Be a good friend Handle disappointments and unexpected events Avoid “whims” that get them off track Quick-reference magnet included! As a bonus, you’ll also get a 4 x 6 magnet printed with keywords and sample scripts from Unstuck and On Target! It’s a handy quick reference for the “Goal-Plan-Do-Check” process that helps students set and meet goals.

  • Unstuck in a Box | Unstuck and On Target

    Unstuck in a Box ​ Save yourself valuable time by using these instructions to prep all of the materials you will need to implement Unstuck ahead of time. Unstuck in a Box

  • Implementation Support | Unstuck and On Target

    Implementation Support: Making Unstuck Easy and Fun

  • Tips and Tricks | Unstuck and On Target

    Tips and Tricks We have selected a few resources that we believe will help you quickly and easily implement Unstuck and On Target! in your classroom, group, or clinic. Be sure to also check out our full list of resources . Unstuck in 13 Lessons ​ Sometimes there is not enough time to do the whole manualized intervention. This scope and sequence outlines a 13 week option, highlighting key lessons and activities. Unstuck in a Box ​ Save yourself valuable time by using these instructions to prep all of the materials you will need to implement Unstuck ahead of time.

  • Unstuck for Elementary School | Unstuck and On Target

    Curriculum for Elementary School Aged Students 45-minute lessons taught in small groups in any setting. Easy to implement lessons can be delivered in general and special education classrooms, pull-out groups, or after-school clubs. Taught by using catchy scripts, memorable visuals, engaging role-plays, and fun planning activities. For Sale at Broo kes or Amazon ​ Curriculum includes: 23 lessons on topics that are key to success in school and life: flexibility, big-picture thinking, planning, compromising, and self-monitoring PowerPoints and fillable PDF s for student work Why Unstuck ? ​ This curriculum is specially designed to help middle school students build the strong executive function skills they need to manage more complex independent work. Supports students with 504's or IEP as a Tier 2 or 3 intervention. Resources for Implementers Click below to learn more about each of the resources. Unstuck and On Target! Curriculum for Students Ages 8-11 ​ An executive function curriculum to improve flexibility, planning, and organization through 21 small group lessons and fun activities Online Training for Unstuck and On Target! Elementary Curriculum ​ Learn how to implement Unstuck with your students through an asynchronous online training course Unstuck and On Target! FAQ ​ Troubleshoot frequent group challenges like, "I'm worried I'm doing it wrong." Unstuck and On Target! Coaching Sessions for Teachers ​ Three one hour webinars with Unstuck authors on teaching Unstuck and troubleshooting. ​ e-Unstuck ​ Online Unstuck and On Target training modules for parents Solving Executive Function Challenges A how-to book for parents and educators A Workbook to Make Unstuck and On Target a Way of Life: Your Guide to Executive Functioning! ​ This resource was written as a companion for families and caregivers of children in Unstuck and On Target classes and helps explain how to make the most out of these lessons at home. 3 Ways to Compromise ​ Printable poster with visual of the three ways to compromise. Unstuck Fast Facts ​ One page document summarizing the Unstuck: audience, research, and outcomes. Useful for parents and administrators to easily answer the question, "What is and Why Unstuck ?" Visit Our YouTube Channel ​ Curated playlists for teaching Unstuck concepts using short and fun videos! ​ Play a flexibility game on line! ​ Students can consolidated their mastery of Unstuck concepts with fun scenarios and flexible rules. Easy Access to Unstuck and On Target! Curriculum Materials ​ When you buy the Unstuck book, don't miss the downloadable resources! Go to Brookes Download Hub, register, and put in the code found on page ix of your Unstuck manual! Unstuck in a Box ​ Save yourself valuable time by using these instructions to prep all of the materials you will need to implement Unstuck ahead of time. ​ Unstuck in 13 Lessons ​ Sometimes there is not enough time to do the whole manualized intervention. This scope and sequence outlines a 13 week option, highlighting key lessons and activities. Behavioral Observations of Classroom Executive Functioning (BOCEF) ​ The BOCEF is designed to simultaneously measure: 1. Student behaviors that demonstrate EF skills 2. Teacher behaviors that support these skills. See Laura Anthony's Unstuck Training for Schools This in depth 3 part training gives you an deep dive into using Unstuck in schools. Laura Anthony Discusses Unstuck Implementation in the Community Dr. Anthony explains key Unstuck concepts and approaches in this one hour webinar for Behavioral Alliance of South Carolina. Lauren Kenworthy and Lynn Cannon Discuss Unstuck This webinar showcased key Unstuck strategies and approaches for both families and interventionists. Learn Online Organization and Virtual Learning Strategies These short, engaging videos teach key strategies for people with executive function difficulties. The experts at CHADD developed these 1-2 minute gems.

  • e-Unstuck | Unstuck and On Target

    e-Unstuck: Online Learning for Parents e-Unstuck: Online Learning for Parents ​ e-Unstuck is an interactive online course for parents to teach them to support executive functioning and behavior regulation in children on the autism spectrum. Parents can use this on their own or in conjunction with their child's participation in an Unstuck group at school or in the community. ​ This self paced interactive e-learning course will: Prepare parents to use Unstuck strategies with their child in the real world Provide parents with an individualized set of insights and recommendations for their child, including resources to share with other caregivers, teachers, and community members

  • Coming Soon | UnstuckandOnTarget

    Coming Soon! Spring 2023: Unstuck and on Target for Ages 11-16 This will be a fully manualized school based intervention (that can also be delivered in a clinic). It will feature lesson plans, a student and parent workbook, and power points. It focuses on building adolescent's desire of more autonomy and power over their lives by setting clear goals and making effective plans. Using engaging activities and videos, this program builds on the skills of the early Unstuck, although it can stand on its own as a new intervention.​ Unstuck and on Target for Ages 15-20 This will be a fully manualized school based intervention (that can also be delivered in a clinic). It will feature lesson plans, a student and parent workbook, and power points. It focuses on buidling ​

  • Unstuck Kit | Unstuck and On Target

    Unstuck and On Target! Curriculum This is a lesson by lesson curriculum that includes all the elements needed to implement the intervention in a school or clinic. While this curriculum was created for use in these settings, community providers have also found Unstuck to be extremely helpful with their clients.

  • Trainings | Unstuck and On Target

    Unstuck Training Trainings Unstuck and on Target authors offer training for parent groups, teachers, school districts, and advocacy groups. Our highly interactive and dynamic training is a half or full day, with follow-ups as needed. The goals of Unstuck training can be individualized by usually include: An introduction to executive functions, their importance and impact on performance How to teach and coach using Unstuck strategies How and when to use the Unstuck scripts and approach The research on Unstuck and executive function ​ Contact us for more information! Visit our YouTube Channel! Browse playlists that include: Unstuck training videos Parent support videos Collections of fun and engaging videos to support Unstuck Lessons See Laura Anthony's Unstuck Training for Schools This in depth 3 part training gives you an deep dive into using Unstuck in schools. Laura Anthony Discusses Unstuck Implementation in the Community Dr. Anthony explains key Unstuck concepts and approaches in this one hour webinar for Behavioral Alliance of South Carolina. Lauren Kenworthy and Lynn Cannon Discuss Unstuck This webinar showcased key Unstuck strategies and approaches for both families and interventionists. Learn Online Organization and Virtual Learning Strategies These short, engaging videos teach key strategies for people with executive function difficulties. The experts at CHADD developed these 1-2 minute gems.

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